Zagreb, a city of streets, parks, monuments, small cafes and smiling citizens of Zagreb, has been living for a whole millennium. His greatest value though is the moment he gives us, the beauty and personality he selflessly shares with us day in and day out. And he is so much greater for our joy, we richer for friendship with a city whose values have included him in the list of European art cities, and personality in the treasury of our heart.
Zagreb, grad ulica, parkova, spomenika, malih kafića i nasmijanih zagrepčana živi već čitavo tisućljeće. Njegova najveća vrijednost je ipak trenutak koji nam poklanja, ljepota i osobnost koje nesebično dijeli s nama iz dana u dan. I on je tako veći za našu radost, mi bogatiji za prijateljstvo s gradom čije su ga vrijednosti uvrstile u popis europskih umjetničkih gradova, a osobnost u riznicu našega srca.
Novi Zagreb
Novi Zagreb ("New Zagreb") is the part of the City of Zagreb located south of the Sava river. Novi Zagreb forms a distinct whole because it is separated from the northern part of the city both by the river and by the levees around Sava. At the same time, it is divided on urban and rural part. At the same time Novi Zagreb has it's own beautiful corners, romantic corners and stories. You can check out Bundek recreational park or take a swim on the swimming pool in Utrine. For culture lovers there is a brand new Museum of modern art.
Novi Zagreb („Novi Zagreb“) dio je grada Zagreba koji se nalazi južno od rijeke Save. Novi Zagreb čini posebnu cjelinu jer je od sjevernog dijela grada odvojen i rijekom i nasipima oko Save. Istodobno je podijeljen na urbani i ruralni dio. Novi Zagreb ima svoje lijepe kutke, romantične kutke i priče. Možete pogledati rekreacijski park Bundek ili se okupati na bazenu u Utrinama. Za ljubitelje kulture tu je potpuno novi Muzej suvremene umjetnosti.
Green horseshoe
Taste Zagreb at the market Dolac
Nice and cosy apartment with jacuzzy
Treat yourself. Enjoy the jacuzzi experience in the living room. Have a glass of wine and relax.
Počastite se. Uživajte u jacuzziju u dnevnom boravku. Natočite si čašu vina i prepustite uživanju.
Luxury penthouse apartment with a view on Zagreb
Bundek lake - Jezero Bundek
For a morning jogging or for a picnic near the lake, Bundek has it all. Take a walk, sit for a coffee or just enjoy the nature.
Za jutarnje trčanje ili piknik kraj jezera, Bundek ima sve. Šetajte, sjedite na kavu ili jednostavno uživajte u prirodi.
Take a peek at some of our apartments - Bacite pogled na naše apartmane
All our apartments are equipped with everything a traveler might need, from fully equipped kitchens to air conditioning and free wi-fi
Svi naši apartmani su opremljeni svime što bi jedan putnik mogao trebati, od kompletno opremljenih kuhinja do klime i besplatnog wi-fi
Contact us and check out for the free dates.
Kontaktirajte nas i provjerite sobodne datume.